Our Commitment To Standards - Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future

Our Commitment to Standard

Our Child safeguarding Policy is our commitment to the child protection and the welfare and safety of children in our programing and operational processes.

Hold the Child teams and representatives are expected to follow a set Code of Ethics while discharging their duties at all times. Such includes board members, staff, volunteers, affiliates, consultants, suppliers, contractor and agents.

The code integrates a range of operational aspects from Child safeguarding, Fraud, Corruption, Conflict of interest and Gender protection. To ensure that all operations are in the best interests of the organization and its beneficiaries, teams and representatives are expected to adhere to the highest moral and ethical standards while demonstrating honesty, integrity, respect for others, and good judgment.

Hold the Child prohibits teams and representatives from engaging in or facilitating any form of inappropriate relations, sexual harassment, and sexual exploitation, in particular involving beneficiaries; this is in conformity with the Policy on preventing Sexual Exploitation and Gender-Based violence

Our Policy on Harassment is an exhibition of Hold the Child’s commitment to providing safe working environment for all its employee. Suspected breaches of this or code of ethics may be reported in strict confidence to Hold the Child’s Compliance Team using the email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


• Child safeguarding policy (View/Download link)

• Code of Ethics (View/Download link)

• Data Protection (View/Download link)

• Policy to Prevent Fraud (View/Download link)

• PSEA (View/Download link)

• Conflict of interest Policy (View/Download link)

• Human trafficking Policy (View/Download link)