Our History - Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future

Our History

The Journey This Far

Looking back is a story of dedication, resilience, team work, relentless partnerships. A story that inspires our action today and years to come. Welcome to this journey;

HCO was conceived in May 2010 from Bor Town, inspired by the ideals and principles of our culture and moral laws governing social development and respect for the humanity guided by the key principles of the international convention on the rights of children (CRC)
Registered in 2011 with the ministry of legal affairs, and Relief and rehabilitation commission as national organisation in the Republic of South Sudan.
Secured funding from UNICEF through the ministry of education in August 2011 on Child act Dissemination where 5 schools in Bor town were reached with key messages on Child rights, 12 teachers trained and 600 children involved in various child rights club activities
Worked in partnership with UNICEF, on Education in emergency responses, Hygiene promotion in school and schools communities. Major achievements included 500 Children provided with learning shelters in Pieri (Uror County) and Angwei (Bor County), 1,450 children reached with Scholastic materials and psychosocial support services, 2,580 children reached with Hygiene and health education
Worked in Partnership with IOM/RRF, UNCIEF, WFP, CHF and GESS/FHSS to support the Established and maintained a nutrition program in Old fangak. structural establishment at Malek leprosy centre, Maintained Education interventions in Uror and Pochalla. Achievements include 650 treated from severe acute malnutrition, 4,200 children reached with Scholastic materials and psychosocial support services, 270 women with IYCF key messages, 860 Children provided with learning shelters and 15 lepers with decent housing shelters
Opened nutrition program in Bor PoC which was handed over in December when the numbers/caseloads had reduced. Opened Nutrition in Bor and Twic east counties participated in several IDP assessments and UNICEF/WFP RRM missions, Opened up Child and Maternal health program with UNCIEF support, Child protection in Pochalla with CHF, phased Our GESS operations due to access constraints and Piloted a program on parenting Munuki (Juba) where our had just been related from Bor following December 2013 destruction.
Major achievements include 1,300 children reached with Scholastic materials, 15 missing children cases entered into the rapid FTR systems and traced, 80 children in Chid to child clubs, Total consultation 1,093 male, 1,159 Females; 5-12, 1,500 households benefited from Insect treated nets, 987 children admitted for SAM treatment with 80% cure rate, 4,430 children 6-59 months received supplementary feeding services and Vitamin A supplementation
Achievement for Child protection included 10 girls 9 boys on FTR with 3 reunified, 12 CFS, 23 CBCPNs trained to support community based PSS, 17,283 boys and girls received PSS, 160 former child soldiers reunified in Pochalla; Education included: 64 PTA, 100 volunteer teachers trained from IDP-Host communities of Fangak, 4,361 girls and 6,577 boys reached with scholastic activities, 135 youth accessed vocational skills training
400 girls and 627 boys reached through ECD. 100 volunteer teachers maintained with monthly incentives for the second half of the year; Nutrition included: 1698 boys, 1726 girls, 869 PLW treated from MAM; 1,816 uncomplicated, 48 complicated with a cure rate of 85% in 9 nutrition sites in Old fangak, Twic East and Bor town; Health had 10,280 regular consultations and 25 Assisted deliveries at Wangchot clinic; IDP tracking supported 3 counties of Fangak, Uror and Maiwut with weekly DMT reports.