Reporting Misconducts - Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future

Misconducts & Abuses

To derive lasting results for Children, a culture of compliance and accountability is a necessity. All team and representatives are encouraged to report suspected wrong doing. Hold the Child’s Compliance team takes all reports of possible misconduct or abuse seriously.

Any information on possible violation, misconduct of Hold the Child’s Code of Ethics or any of the approved policies should be reported to the Manager (only to Executive director and the Compliance Manager) using the Confidential Misconduct form. Hold the Child is committed to protect the confidentiality of whoever reports in good faith, whether the investigation substantiates the report or not.

Information from anonymous sources will be assessed and may lead to an investigation; if you choose remain anonymous please provide as much detail as possible and also consider providing a means through which Hold the Child will contact you if further information or clarification is needed.