Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future - Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future

Our Approach & Commitments

(1) Program Approach (Drive 2020)

Strategic Ambition “to build communities for optimal Child care”.

Inspired by the achievement in the past 7 years of consistent program delivery; We have re-invented our approach to Child Survival, Welfare and Development as illustrated in the Theory of Change model

Our child focused and community based action is anchored on the recently launched a transitional 2018-2020 Strategic plan (Drive 2020) has been crafted with the core ecosystem of a Child in mind.

The goal to contribute towards “Building communities for optimal child care” approaches see to address; the need for services, right policies, participation and evolving contexts. Strategic approaches include:

• Deriving far reaching impact for children through dedicated sectors that provide critical services for Child survival, welfare and development working along with caretakers and communities.
• Champion Child participation in the space for advocacy, art and production.
• Pool indigenous knowledge for optimal child care through deliberate partnerships with CBOs, academia, communities, and media etc. with particular attention to the promotion of positive deviances.

Our action is geared towards optimal child survival, welfare and development working alongside caretakers, families and communities. Due to rigors associated with resource availability, the programme further prioritizes Disaster hit, marginalized, and underserved communities.

Deliberate efforts are underway to establish new and nurture existing partnerships







Programmes are designed in conformity to the above, with optimal considerations for cross cutting issues including Gender, Disability, SDGs, Peace building and Social protection among other in-country priorities

(2) Promise to Communities

Integrity and Accountability being at the core of our institutional values, our day to day work along with families and communities in pursuit of the best interest for a Child; are further guided by beneficiary accountability principles at the various project stages i.e. design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. Such measures include: Consultative decision making, feedback mechanism (dedicated channels) throughout cycles, and joint monitoring & learning. We too run dedicated advocacy programs by the Children i.e. Kids Express among others

(2) Promise to Donors

Our consistence and growth over the years is heavily dependent on continued donor support; Hold the Child’s internal systems employ the best practices for management and operations, adhering to humanitarian principles established by the Sphere Project.

Every year our systems undergo rigorous internal and external audits and we publicly release our financial statements to demonstrate our compliance and best use of funds committed to us.