Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future - Hold the Child | Our Action. Our Future


Community and Health of the Child

More than half of early child deaths are due to conditions that could be prevented or treated with access to simple, affordable interventions (WHO). The leading causes of death in under-5 children are preterm birth complications, pneumonia, birth asphyxia, diarrhoea and malaria. About 45% of all child deaths are linked to malnutrition. Community and Child health model is an attempt to contribute towards Universal health coverage and UN sustainable development goals: # 3 -Good health, # 6 -Clean Water and Sanitation; and #10 -Reduced inequalities. Our work is geared towards strengthening local awareness of the cases of child mortality, home-based care, local referral systems (community-health facility); and building local ownership of the services through:
  • 1. Reproductive Health:

    A child’s risk of dying is highest in the neonatal period, the first 28 days of life. Safe childbirth and effective neonatal care are essential to prevent these deaths. 45% of child deaths under the age of 5 take place during the neonatal period. (According to WHO). These trends are pronounced among the low social strata. Driving factors include; limited reproductive facilities and challenged referral systems, improper reproductive health choices, limiting traditional practices/barriers. Our action is centered on comprehensive sex education in schools; promotion of youth friendly reproductive health services; provision of basic obstetric services.

  • 2. Childhood illnesses:
  • 3. Immunization:
  • 4. Management of Acute Malnutrition:
  • 5. Sanitation, Hygiene promotion:
Safe communities | Accessible health services | Enlightened and Involved Parents | Health Children